How to Remove Blackheads: Best Blackhead Treatments & Products
No one likes and wants blackheads! And the one thing worse than having them is not knowing how to get rid of them. They can be a repetitive, time-consuming problem to manage -- especially if you’re already prone to skin issues and sensitivities generally. Unfortunately, given the pollution, dust, oils and sweat involved in everyday living, blackheads continue to be an issue for nearly everyone.
Cremo is here to help you learn about the best ways to remove blackheads and put your best face forward with a new line of charcoal-based products.
Like every product to wear the Cremo crown, these products are made to Astonishingly Superior standards, not to mention they are some of the best products for blackheads.

What are blackheads?
The Oxford dictionary defines blackheads as:
- A plug of sebum in a hair follicle, darkened by oxidation.
- An infectious disease of turkeys producing discoloration of the head, caused by protozoan.
Hmmm, we guess definition one is more pertinent to all of us (If definition two sounds more like you, we politely advise you to seek the care of a veterinarian.)
How are blackheads formed?
Blackheads are formed when dead skin cells and oils build up in the opening of the follicle (or pore). This creates a bump, and if the skin over the bump opens, the exposure to air turns the bump black – hence the name, ‘blackheads’. Clever, right?How to Treat Blackheads - Home Remedies
Now on to the best ways to remove blackheads: perhaps you’ve tried such familiar home remedies as steaming, astringents, specialty soaps and facial scrubs, but have not been satisfied with the results? Happily, we’ve put our cosmetic chemists to work to formulate some practical, economical and effective solutions! For now though, let’s look at some blackhead removal treatment which you might be able to achieve at home.Egg white face mask
You can prevent or reduce blackheads while removing grease and grime from your skin, safely and gently by using an egg white face mask. An ingredient in egg whites, called ‘albumin,’ helps dissolve and clear blackheads while also tightening the pores.
Here’s our recipe: To make this mask, you’ll want to whisk one egg white (no yolk) and apply to pre-washed skin. Next, lay facial tissue strips over the albumin mask; do not cover your mouth, eyes or nostrils! You’ll need to breathe and see. Leave on for around 20 minutes. Then remove and rinse your face with cold water. Apply a Face Wash after this process to really clean up and you’ve had one of the best blackhead treatments your home can provide.
Make-it-yourself Pore Strip
Blackheads are most common on the nose. You’ve probably seen pore-strips in-stores or online (indeed, we make them). Well, it turns out you could make your own pore strip at home using just milk and honey. This two-ingredient combo works wonders: the milk’s lactic acid helps remove dead skin cells and excessive oil while the honey is a great anti-bacterial agent.
For best results, mix one tablespoon of whole milk with one tablespoon of organic honey and then microwave the
mixture for 10 seconds. Once cool, apply to the area affected by blackheads, placing a clean cotton strip on top.
Wait 15 minutes, gently peel off and rinse your face.
Jojoba Oil
It is no surprise that Jojoba Oil is on the list. Our bearded customers know the benefits this key ingredient of our Beard Oil delivers, not just for the health of the facial hair but also for the skin beneath. Jojoba oil is an essential oil that reduces the amount of excess sebum through absorbing. And excess sebum is what clogs pores and creates blackheads.
All you have to do is wash your face with warm water and massage a few drops of Jojoba oil onto your skin. Leave on for five to ten minutes and then rinse off. So long excess sebum!
No doubt you’ve seen charcoal featured in variety of cosmetics recently – and there are very good reasons why. The charcoal in these products is activated charcoal which means it has been exposed to gas (in a lab) to make it porous. Increased porosity means it will absorb more impurities from its surroundings and trap them. When a charcoal mask is applied to the face, it removes impurities (including nasty blackheads) faster than fast.
This may be a home remedy, but we can’t call it an easy hack. If you’re feeling motivated, however, get two capsules of activated charcoal, ½ teaspoon of Bentonite clay and some water. Remove the charcoal from the capsules and mix with the clay and some water. When the paste achieves a medium-thick consistency, apply to your face and let dry. Once dry (about 15-20 minutes), rinse with warm water followed by a good moisturizer.
Green Tea
No, you don’t need to drink this, although it’s pretty healthy and can’t hurt. This tea is for the surface of your skin. The green tea is a fantastic anti-oxidant, and it also gently decreases your skin’s oil production.
Directions: mix a teaspoon of dry green tea leaves with water to form a thin paste. Massage onto the affected areas of your skin. Leave on for three minutes before rinsing off.
Blackhead Removal Products to Try
Perhaps you’ve tried such familiar home remedies as steaming, astringents, specialty soaps and facial scrubs, but have not been satisfied with the results? Happily, we’ve put our cosmetic chemists to work to formulate some practical, economical, and effective solutions to create some of the best products for blackheads you can find.Charcoal Paper Mask
Our charcoal paper mask is an effective, easy-to-use detoxifier that applies to the entire face.
To use, wash the face before applying the mask. Leave in place for ten minutes and then gently peel away the mask and massage any remaining product into your skin.
2-in-1 Scrub & Mask
This multi-purpose CHARCOAL 2-IN-1 SCRUB & MASK works as a scrub and a mask, depending on your mood and/or how dirty your face feels.
To use as a scrub, wash the face and gently massage into your skin, using a circular motion. Follow up by rinsing with warm water.
To use as a mask, rinse face and apply to problem areas. Allow to dry for 5-10 minutes. Rinse with warm water and
gently massage any excess product into your skin.
Peel Off Mask
This heavy-hitting peel-off mask contains activated charcoal which literally locks onto blackhead-causing impurities and draws them out—making it one of the best blackhead removal treatments available. Activated Charcoal actually detoxifies the skin and reduces the size and visibility of pores, like an astringent.
To use, wash the skin and dry-gently with a towel. Apply the mask using your fingers to create a smooth layer over the chin, cheeks, nose, temples and forehead, but avoiding eyes, mouth and nostrils. Leave on for 10 minutes -or until dry-- then slowly peel from the jawline upwards. Rinse face with warm water. Moisturize.
Shop Cremo
We invite you to banish blackheads for good with a combination of at-home remedies and our own deep-cleansing, high-performance skin products. Remember, the skin is the biggest organ of the body and it needs care and attention to look, feel and function its best. If home-remedies just aren’t doing it, we suggest our products for blackheads.
Put your best face forward with Cremo’s new deep-cleansing charcoal products. We also make a full line of grooming products for all your needs, challenges and ambitions.