How to fix a patchy beard
- What causes a patchy beard
- How to fix a patchy beard and how to fill a patchy beard
- What the best products are to help promote healthy beard growth
Key Takeaways
- Give it time - allow your beard to grow for at least three months before deciding to cut it. Giving up on your beard too early is one of the most common problems we see with people trying to grow a beard.
- Own it - trim and style your beard that incorporates the uniqueness of your patches. If your beard is symmetrical with patches, this can end up looking good, whereas patches that cause unevenness may be something you can work on through styling, trimming, or growth.
- Beard growth techniques - try different things to help promote healthy beard growth, including diet, exercise, and using products that help beards grow thicker, faster, and fill in patches.
- Time to let your beard grow
Beard care products
- Beard wash
- Beard and scruff cream
- Beard shears or electric trimmer
- Shaver
- Beard comb or beard brush
- Healthy foods that promote beard growth (oranges, brazil nuts, raisins, potatoes, kale and spinach)
First, let’s take a look at why patchy beards exist. Here are before and after pictures that shows how Cremo Beard Thickening Cream and other tips can help fix a patchy beard.

Top 4 Reasons Your Beard is Patchy Beard
To better understand patchy beard solutions, we’ve first got to look at the root cause of the issue. Patchy beards exist for a reason, so which one of the below do you feel your patchiness is gravitating towards?
1) Age
Facial hair generally starts growing around puberty. Sometime around the age of 16, you or your friends will start sporting some fuzz on the upper lip. Some friends might have more, some less (see point below). However, one thing highly likely is that a group of 16 year old males won’t be able to grow a full beard – not yet anyways.
Most individuals able to grow beards are slightly older. Again, although not an exact science, 25 is a pretty good age to test whether you can grow a beard and have the staying power to keep it growing and fill out the patches. Any time before 25 and you may not be able to develop your facial hair fully yet, which yes, may result in patches in your beard.
2) Genetics
Unfortunately, this is something none of us have much control over. Look around at your family – do the men all have wonderful beards or stubble that is patch free?? If they do, then you probably have a good chance at growing a patch-free beard yourself, though, there are no guarantees when it comes to growing a beard.3) Hormone Imbalance
Another cause of patchy beards can be from a hormone imbalance. A lack of testosterone, for example, can affect patchy beard progress.4) Alopecia Areata
Although not common, spot baldness can form a dime-sized bald spot anywhere on the body, which includes your facial area. This could be a small bald spot under the chin or a sudden bald spot in the beard.
This is similar to balding on your head where areas of your body are bald. Alopecia Areata is a condition that results in sudden hair loss, in circular areas. For health treatment advice, consult with your healthcare provider.
Do patches need to be fixed?
If you take a long look at all the different beards in the world, you might be surprised to see more patchy beards than you thought. Some beards actually look better with the patches and for some looks, a patchy beard serves the style of that individual better. This begs the question of whether you need to fully fix your patchy beard or find new ways to own it.
Although style and fashion are subjective, our general rule of thumb with patchiness and whether it looks acceptable is symmetry. What we mean by this is if we have similar bald patches under or to the sides of your mouth, this can end up looking good. There are many patchy beard styles that look astonishingly good.
However, if you have one side of your face that grows hair and the other side doesn’t -- this could look disjointed.
So now we know the reasons one might have a patchy beard, let’s look at some ways to fix it and create a patchy beard success story of your own.
Hopefully with these patchy beard fixes, a fuller, thick and luxurious beard will be well within reach.
- Just grow it
- Emphasize it
- Care for it
- Diet
- Exercise
- Rest
- Stress free
A beard takes time to fully develop and a lot of men just give up too early in the process.
Sometimes this is due to itchiness and other beard obstacles, but you really do have to just give it time. If you find there are a few patches, that’s ok, just persevere and see if your patchy beard progress improves. Men can often be their own worst critics, focusing on the bad areas and comparing their beards with other beards, which have had time to fully grow.
Set yourself a goal if you wish. Tell yourself you will at least grow without touching for three months. If it still doesn’t look right to you after the three months, then you have our blessing to shave it off. But please, just give it a chance. Give your beard a chance.
2) Own Your Patches
Likewise, if you do get to the three-month stage and there are still patches, why not keep it? Plenty of men have patchy beards and they can completely own that look. You could even decide that you want to shorten the beard slightly so there is light stubble as this can mask beard patchiness and still look cool. Work with what you have.
You can also shape, trim, and style your beard to remove thinner spots that make your beard look weak and sparse. Doing this will give a fuller appearance across your beard, mustache, or chin. Which leads to the next tip.
3) Care for it
By this we don’t mean by trimming it – not yet, anyways. Your beard is hair on your face and just like the hair and skin across the rest of your body, it is a good idea to look after it and keep it healthy. Grooming the beard can also help with beard patchiness.
Take a further look down this article on how you can groom your beard to help deal with patchy beards. See the Best Beard Products for Fixing a Patchy Beard section.
4) Diet
When learning how to fill in a patchy beard, one item that often gets overlooked is diet.
Not only does junk food affect your health (and waistline), a bad diet can affect beard growth as well. If you eat a healthy diet with a healthy balance of vitamins and nutrients, your beard will benefit. We’re not saying if you instantly change your diet to something healthier your beard will grow overnight, but it’ll definitely help the hair and skin all over the body.
Add oranges, brazil nuts, raisins, potatoes, kale, and spinach to your diet to encourage healthy beard growth. To learn about more foods that promote beard growth and more beard growth tips, check out these Best tips and tricks to make your beard grow faster.
5) Exercise
Exercise can help boost testosterone levels, increase blood flow, boost metabolism and aid in body recovery. Not only that, but you could find yourself looking and feeling fitter, which isn’t a bad thing either. Take a look at some bearded icons out there, a lot of them regularly post pictures of their beard on social media while working out.6) Rest
Any excuse to get some rest is a good enough excuse in our books. However, numerous studies have shown that not getting enough sleep affects the body in many ways. Not only do you feel tired all day with a lack of sleep, you’re also creating less testosterone. Struggling with a patchy beard? Could just be you’re staying up too late.7) Stress Free
Staying away from this one isn’t always easy. Our lives are full of stress from work, home life and everything else in between. However, stress also impacts a beard's growth: through not getting enough rest, to not eating properly, stress affects us in more ways than one. You probably know of someone whose hair has fallen out or changed color due to stress and this can just as easily happen to your beard.5 Best Beard Products for Fixing Patchy Beard
At Cremo, we strive to always be astonishingly superior and we’re committed to helping you achieve your bearded dreams. We know the pain of growing a beard and has gone through the tough times. From beard itch, beard dandruff and also patchiness, we’re right here for you. It’s because of these ailments, when we went to the guys with white coats and laid out our ‘beard product plan’, we told them under all circumstances, we must develop products to combat these issues.1) Beard Wash
The Cremo Beard and Face Wash - The first step in your beard grooming ritual. Your facial hair is different from the hair on your head. It’s more wiry and coarse, while the skin underneath is more sensitive. Regular shampoos are not designed to clean facial hair and the sensitive skin underneath. Cremo Beard & Face Wash is specially formulated for facial hair.
It's important to keep facial hair clean when allowing the beard to initially grow in and for the patches to fill. Giving up too early is the biggest reason (that we see) for men to give up on their beard, and they usually give up because it’s either itching their face too much, or because they don’t give it time. We can’t stress this enough.